How To Revamp Your Wardrobe Using Stylebook

For years, I struggled to buy clothes that actually matched. I would go to the store and pick up anything that caught my eye, without thinking about what I already had. That is until I found Stylebook. Now, I finally have a cohesive group of clothes that I actually enjoy, and it’s all thanks to Stylebook!


Now, a couple of weeks ago, I showed you the importance of frequently clearing out your closet. We talked about reasons for clearing out your closet and when it’s time for a closet clearout. However, we never went over what to do once you have done away with all of your old clothes. So today, I decided to show you how to revamp and restock your closet the right way with using Stylebook!

So let’s pick up where we left off last time. You’ve done the hard part and removed all of your old, unused clothing from your closet. Now it’s time for the fun part: shopping for a whole new wardrobe, right? Well, not exactly. Before you go out and shop ’til you drop, you first need to reassess what you have, then decide what you need. That’s where Stylebook comes in.

The first thing to do after you download Stylebook is document the clothes you already have. To do so, put each piece of clothing against a bright solid background. Once you have taken the picture, you can edit the picture through the app to remove the background, creating a stock-like photo. This allows you to match different pieces together to create different looks. After you have documented what’s in your current wardrobe, you can see exactly what you have. Whether it’s complete outfits or bits and pieces that stand alone. From here you can determine what you need versus what you want.

But, what happens if you still don’t know what you need? You know that you need something, you just aren’t quite sure what that something is. In the event that you run across this problem, I would recommend accessing Stylebook’s style expert. Here, you can access style guides, Q and A’s, videos, and loads of other resources that may give you some fashion inspiration.

However, if you are still lacking in the area of ideas, try tapping on Stylebook’s Inspiration tab. Under this tab, you can add looks from your favorite lookbooks, celebrities, YouTubers, bloggers, etc. I find this tab super helpful because it allows me to reflect on my own personal style.

Once you have a good idea of what you may need, head on over to Stylebook’s shopping tab. That’s right, you can shop through the app. Here, you can access any store from Amazon to Forever 21 to Topshop and everything in between. From here, you can search for a specific piece or browse the entire store. Or, if that’s not your style, you can browse different categories and view products from multiple stores all at once. You can even add clothes to your wishlist so you can come back and buy them when it’s convenient for you.

Now that you have restocked you closet, full of things that you need, you can style different outfits using Stylebook! Under the Looks section of the app, you can add clothing from either the Closet or Inspiration tabs and create looks for different events and situations. These situations include Day, Work, Evening, Formal, Vacation, and Favorites. From here, you can mix and match different outfits to reflect your personal style in every aspect of life.

After you have created these new looks, you are ready for the really fun part: wearing them! You can use the Stylebook app to plan when you will wear these new outfits under the Calendar tab. This is probably my favorite part of the app because it takes the guess work out of style. Every time I have an important event coming up, I use Stylebook to plan what to wear ahead of time. And, if I feel like I could use a new look for the occasion, I can buy and style a whole new look right from my phone.

Stylebook also has a number of other resources to enhance your personal style. You can plan outfits for holidays and vacations through Stylebook’s Packing tab. This section allows you to virtually pack your suitcase for your next trip according to location and season.

You can also keep track of your closet’s size and value via Stylebook. The Style Stats tab documents everything from your most and least worn looks to your current measurements. This section in Stylebook even keeps track of the looks you have never worn, which may even help you out the next time you clear out your closet!

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